I'm an ideas guy. I love to investigate alternative avenues and find new ways of looking at things. I am also keen about new technologies and gizmos. This blog gives me a chance to put my thoughts down instead of bottling them until one day I explode.
To all you doubters out there, this is actual prood that you will actually receive an EEE PC if you go through the process (see previous blog entry). I am actually using the device to enter in this posting, all-be-it on an external keyboard and mouse. The system is everything I hoped it would be and the shipping time via Purolator was negligible. I confirmed my order on Thursday and received my device Monday afternoon. Here are some shots of the EEE, also known now as Chiclet, coming out of the box. We had Chiclet up and running in no time. The size promises to be very convenient. These pictures were copied from an SD card that was inserted into memory card slot.
Well, it looks like RBC is coming through on their promise. Today (August 21, 2008) I received a letter in the mail from them with a confirmation code to get my ASUS EEE PC. I first applied for this offer two months ago. Here is what I have to look forward to:
Thank you for choosing RBC Royal Bank®. You should receive your ASUS Eee PC by courier within 5-10 business days depending on your location. We hope you will enjoy all of the benefits that come with your new banking account. And we know you will enjoy your new ASUS Eee PC.
Here's the catch:
Be an RBC customer
Pay for their $13.95 a month plan until Dec. 31
Set up at least two pre-authorized payments
Set up payroll direct deposit or monthly pension
Select paperless statement option
Pay at least one bill through RBC Royal Bank
The math: The computer sells for $425.91 after tax and shipping from TigerDirect. The plan will cost us $14 a month until the end of the year (6 months to go) for a grand total of $84. I'm sure RBC gets a deal on them but I don't and I will really enjoy having a mini laptop I can take travelling. If you are interested in getting one of these for < $100 and you already have an RBC account or would like to get one you have until September 12, 2008 to apply. Here is the link.
Last week my passenger side key lock stopped working. I would turn the key either way and nothing would happen. Something was definitely wrong, but what? What would cause it to break? How hard is going to be to get at the mechanism. In the past I have opened several door panels in order to get at the locking mechanism. The Jetta seemed to need the same kind of job. Firstly, there were 6 3mm allen key screws to come out, along the bottom and left and right sides. Then the door handel cover has to be popped off with a broad flat screw driver. Then the door latch handle cover also had to be removed in the same way along with the rear view mirror inner cover panel. There are no tricks to this except gentle presuasion with a screwdriver. Some people put masking tape over the blade to prtoect the metal. Next came the windows crank arm. This was the trickiest part. The collar behind the crank arm needs to be pinched on either side and pushed in the opposite direction the crank arm points. Please see the picture and video:
The next item to remove was the speaker grill which was popped off by an access channel underneath the speaker housing, again, best done with a broad flat screwdriver. Now all the attaching screws were removed. Two from the door handel, one from the door latch assembly and four that mount the speaker. The speakerer was then disconnected. Then the door lock knob was removed. Then the door panel was carefully removed in and upwards and outwards motion. To get at the lock assembly I needed to first remove the vapor barrier and then unscrew the torque bolt that is right behind the handle that faces the back of the car when the door is shut. The handle was slid towards the front of the car and pulled out.
Once I had my lock assembly out it was clear that it was broken either by someone trying to break into the car or by plain use. I reckon the former. Here is a couple shots at the carnage.
As you may or may not be able to see the shaft is not connected to the key mechanism and there is signs of shearing. If anyone knows why this happened please let me know! Until then I will be heading to the junk yard for a new key assembly.